Swindon Model Aero Club flies from a secure, private site near Shrivenham.

We share a large, bright, well appointed club house with Vale of White Horse Gliding Club with facilities including a kitchen, tea and coffee, comfortable seating area, meeting rooms, toilets and a telephone.

The car parking is adjacent to the flying site with vehicle access to the pits to unload models.

The grass runway is approx. 220 meters long, 20 meters wide and is regularly mowed.

We have a weather page with links to provide weather information and forecasting for the airfield.

We have club WhatsApp groups for members to arrange meeting up to go flying and a social chat group

The Club Media Representative keeps members informed via the monthly SMAC Flyer newsletter, email news bulletins and the news panel on this website.

We run a Club YouTube channel, a Facebook page and an Instagram account.

SMAC members are associate members of the Vale of White Horse Gliding Club and are able to have discounted full-size glider flights.

Across the membership, we have a wealth of knowledge covering building techniques, radio installation and IC and electric power, so there is always someone to answer questions about model builds, radio  installation and engine and motor set-up. We hold modelling skills evenings to share modelling skills.

We run social events throughout the year for members including Fun Fly competitions, Summer BBQ’s, Autumn Bring & Buy sales of modelling gear, Winter talks by guest speakers and demonstrations of various modelling skills.

The Club promotes model flying locally by supporting civic fetes with static aircraft displays and encourages modelling among young people by offering introduction flying sessions with local Scout groups.

We've Relocated!

This site is no longer updated! We've moved to a new site location.

Please go to https://smac.bmfa.club/ for our up to date site!


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