Derek Russell
Honorary Chairman


Fixed wing power


BMFA 'A' Certificate

BMFA 'B' Certificate


I have been a member of the Club since 1989 and enjoy building and flying fixed wing IC aircraft. My aim is to maintain and improve the excellent, friendly club we have today. The Club has good facilities and benefits from sharing the site with full-size aircraft.

Tony Wheeler
Honorary Secretary


Fixed Wing Power

Interested in flying from a young age, I joined the Royal Air Force as a pilot and flew fast jets, including the F4 Phantom.  After serving for 37 years I needed a hobby so joined SMAC and took up RC flying with various electric aircraft in 2020.  I've now got a collection of electric powered aircraft and enjoy flying my huge 2.1M Carbon Cub the most (but the Spitfire is rapidly moving up my list).

The club has a great membership and after so much enjoyment and friendship at the field it's my turn to support the committee as Secretary, and I'm glad to do so.

Richard Cohen
Club President


Fixed Wing Power  

Large Model Power


BMFA  ‘A’ & ‘B’ Certificates

 Large Model Association Proficiency

 Club Instructor

Flying with Swindon Model Aero Club since 2000, I have been on the committee since 2009. I am privileged to have been given the honorary role of Club President.

I have a preference for Warbirds and large scale models, with a selection of WWI, WW2 and Vietnam aircraft.
I find flying & socialising with other members a great stress reliever after a hard week at work. If you have the time to build your own model, you get great satisfaction from seeing it completed and flying. If time is tight, there are many Almost Ready To Fly models to get you flying quickly but these can be detailed to make them stand apart from the crowd. There are many different disciplines at the Club, from gliders to warbirds, electric power & combustion engines, so whatever your preference there is something for everyone and always help at hand from friendly Club mates.

Mark Rostill
Membership Secretary


Fixed Wing Power


BMFA 'A' & 'B' Certificates


With over 10 years experience flying mainly IC and petrol large scale models I have enjoyed gaining vast experience by flying a vast array of models.
As long standing active committee member including social event organiser I am keen to help new members enjoy all aspects of the club.

Dempster Hamilton
Honorary Treasurer


Fixed wing power & Fixed wing electric 

Electric, Thermal & Slope Soaring

Free flight & Indoor flight

Helicopter & Multi Rotor


BMFA 'A' & 'B' Certificate

Indoor Aerobatics 'A' & 'B' Certificate

Club Instructor

BMFA Examiner


I first flew RC models at the age of 10, which probably started my passion for flying.  I've been lucky enough over a lifetime to compete in full size gliding, powered aerobatics and even tried my hand at helicopters, hang gliding and paragliding, but I've always maintained my interest in modelling - it provides many of the same challenges (and some new ones) in a more conveniently-sized and affordable format.  I delight in the ingenuity and camaraderie it fosters amongst club members and never tire of watching the joy on the faces of those learning something new - and there's never a day where I don't learn something also!

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