The Committee has now finalised the new requirements for spotters. In agreement with VOWHGC and in compliance with the BMFA, we will only require one spotter while models are flying. Also, there is now the option for a non-member to act as spotter when no other SMAC member is on site. This  will be incorporated into the Code of Practice. This will mean a member can now visit site with a guest and fly, without needing another club member to act as a spotter. I am sure this will be good news for those who have previously had problems finding a Club member to spot for them at certain times of the day. The briefing notes for SMAC pilots to brief their non-member spotter are in the Clubhouse and also in the field kit holdall bag.
Guide for Helicopter and Drone fliers
SMAC is primarily a fixed wing flying club. However, with understanding, common sense and co-operation Heli and Drone fliers can be accommodated.
Fixed wing fliers will take priority but when there is a lull in activity, heli or drone pilots may  have an opportunity to fly but have to accept that during busy periods this may be difficult.
Competent heli or drone pilots may fly with fixed wing aircraft if agreed with other pilots and providing they follow the flight circuit and don’t hover over the runway or close to the pit area.
Novice pilots who wish to practise hovering must notify other pilots they wish to fly and move up the runway to a safe area away from the pits and ensure they have a spotter.
FPV pilots must have a separate spotter to watch the model and the model must be kept in sight at all times.
The flying of drones and helicopters will be reviewed regularly by the committee.

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